The ONE Big Idea
“What’s THE BIG IDEA?” I asked him.
“Whaddaya mean, ‘what’s the big idea?’ “ he replied.
“You heard me.”
“You know exactly what I said!”
“That’s the BIG IDEA!”
“That’s what I thought it was.”
“Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”
And so we were. On the same page.
With the “One Big Idea”.
Wanna know what the One Big Idea was?
It was “the ONE BIG IDEA”.
Not two!
Just ONE!
“Well, what was the one big idea?” you ask.
I told you, it was ‘One Big Idea’. Not two.
“But what was the idea?” you ask.
Starting to sound a little like Abbott and Costello’s routine -
“Who’s on first?”?
Good, it was supposed to.
The “One Big Idea” is:
when you’re “pitching something”, selling something, using an emotion for effect, or wanting someone to take some sort of action,
“ONE” is all you need.
One pitch angle.
One something to sell.
Use one emotion only.
Ask for one “call-to-action”.
NOT two.
It’s much, much, more effective.
ou’ve heard of K.I.S.S. ?
“Keep It Simple Stupid”.
Copywriting is a great place to apply that theory. When you write copy, apply the “Theory of One”!
The world’s top writing school – AWAI – teaches this lesson. Some of the biggest names in the business – John Forde, Michael Masterson - do this.
Why not you.!!!???
Why I floss (and you should too).
George Washington Reveals Why You shouldn’t Wear Wooden Teeth
Make Money Like a Wall Street Pro
The fear of missing out.
How about greed. Pride.
ONE CALL-TO-ACTION Ask them to sign up for your newsletter. Click on the link to your landing page. Buy your product.
ONE. Not two.
Sincerely, Ian
BSOT (be safe out there).
P.S. It can be ‘mapped over’ to areas other than copywriting. Think about it.
P.P.S. Start your day here – my blog – SUMMITLAKELODGETRIO -
or here, if you want a copywriter w/ one idea -
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